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Flagsmith PHP SDK

The SDK client for PHP Flagsmith allows you to manage feature flags and remote config across multiple projects, environments and organisations.

The source code for the client is available on Github.


composer require flagsmith/flagsmith-php-client

Requires PHP 7.4 or newer and ships with GuzzleHTTP.

You can optionally provide your own implementation of PSR-18 and PSR-16

You will also need some implementation of PSR-18 and PSR-17, for example Guzzle and PSR-16, for example Symfony Cache. Example:

composer require flagsmith/flagsmith-php-client guzzlehttp/guzzle symfony/cache


composer require flagsmith/flagsmith-php-client symfony/http-client nyholm/psr7 symfony/cache


The Flagsmith PHP Client is utilized in such a way that makes it immutable. Every time you change or set a setting the client will return a clone of itself.

$flagsmith = new Flagsmith('apiToken');
$flagsmithWithCache = $flagsmith->withCache(/** PSR-16 Cache Interface **/);

If you are self hosting an instance of Flagsmith you can set that as the second parameter of the Flagsmith Class, make sure to include the full path

$flagsmith = new Flagsmith('apiToken', '');

Utilizing Cache

$flagsmith = new Flagsmith('apiToken');
$flagsmithWithCache = $flagsmith
->withCache(/** PSR-16 Cache Interface **/)
->withTimeToLive(15); //15 seconds

Get all Flags

Get All feature flags. The flags will be returned as a Flagsmith\Models\Flag model


$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');

By Identity

$identity = new \Flagsmith\Models\Identity('identity');

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');

Get Individual Flag

The Individual flag will be returned as a Flagsmith\Models\Flag model

Get Individual Flag Globally

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');

Get Individual Flag By Identity

$identity = new \Flagsmith\Models\Identity('identity');

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');
$flagsmith->getFlagByIdentity($identity, 'name');

Check if Feature is Enabled

Check if a feature is enabled or not

Check if Feature is Enabled Globally

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');

Check if Feature is Enabled By Identity

$identity = new \Flagsmith\Models\Identity('identity');

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');
$flagsmith->isFeatureEnabledByIdentity($identity, 'name');

Get Feature Value

Get the value of a feature

Get Feature Value Globally

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');
$flagsmith->getFeatureValue('name', 'default value');

Get Feature Value By Identity

$identity = new \Flagsmith\Models\Identity('identity');

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');
$flagsmith->getFeatureValueByIdentity($identity, 'name', 'default value');

Utilizing Identity Traits

You can optionally declare traits against the identity model

$identity = new \Flagsmith\Models\Identity('identity');

$identityTrait = (new \Flagsmith\Models\IdentityTrait('Foo'))->withValue('Bar');

$identity = $identity->withTrait($identityTrait);

$flagsmith = new \Flagsmith\Flagsmith('apiToken');